Your own circular storyteller

Over the past few years, we’ve seen many types of residues on our paper machine, transforming them into beautiful and unique papers for the most diverse applications. In some cases, these papers originated from our own ideas, but mostly it was our customers who inspired and challenged us to develop paper based on their residues. In this way, we’ve already made paper with reed, water plants, coffee bean silverskins, flowers, onion skins and many more.

The possibilities to have us produce a sustainable paper just for you are practically limitless. Thanks to our small and flexible paper machine and many years of experience, we are able to develop your very own custom grade of paper from only 2 tons and in a limited amount of time. Also based on your own residues! So in case you’re the owner of a fibrous residue that is currently unutilised and would like to put it to use in a sustainable matter, we’re your partner in crime! Completely based on your wishes, we’re more than happy to transform your residues into paper for e.g. business cards, stationery paper, promotional materials, year reports or packaging materials.

Interested in doing circular business with us?

Do you have a question or have you become curious about the possibilities to collaborate with us in the making of your very own circular paper? We'd be happy to provide you with more information or samples of previously made examples. Leave us a message or give us a call; we are at your service!